Saturday, October 13, 2007

Market Days

Saturday is the day when Judith and I get up early and head off to the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market. This is the only day that this centre opens to the public to sell off the produce left over from the previous week.
Today we went for the first time for a while due to Jude's ill health and found there was little good quality produce to buy. Now that Australia is taking more refugees fron the Sub-Saharan nations, there have been more people turning up every week. Of course this has had the effect of driving up prices for mediocre produce. Taking this into consideration, we decided to only go bi-weekly until the Summer stone fruit comes into season.
I think the mango season is only a week or two away. Jude thinks its a bit longer. Who knows? I can't wait to get my teeth into some of those golden beauties. The first lot that arrives before Christmas are the best. They come from the Top End and are grown in tropical conditions. Later the Carnarvon crop come in in January and they are somewhat smaller. They are still nice eating, but the first ones are supurb. I wonder what the crop will be like this year as last year was a bumper one. Some producers say that a good crop is followed by a poorer one. I sincerely hope they are wrong.
The one bright note this morning is that we got a box of our favourite bananas from Carnarvon. Most bananas are grown in Queensland, but we favour the smaller local ones. We all think they have more flavour and are great for the kids in their lunchboxes. I often carry a cpuple in my purse when I go out. They make a great instant snack. Fruit, you can't beat it!

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