Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Searching Other People Writings

This morning, seeing that nothing much has happened in my life for quite some time, I decided to go in search of some online blogs. I was immediately struck by one thing. Most blogs that appear in blog readers are writtn by professionals and that some of them are downright ugly. One cited a book that said, that blogs are the domain of amateurs, as if it was a bad thing.
However the content of the blogs were all very different. Here are just a few that for some reason clicked with me.
Simply Recipes, published by This has a big index of recipes including a good number of vegetable ones that can be easily veganised. However it was the 'About' page that I loved. The reason for having a space to record all the family recipes sat well with me. Here was a real family and they were sharing their ever involving collection of their favourite foods. Now you can keep your professional blogs, this one has a soul.
Next was Wendy Knits, which of course features Wendy's knitting efforts. Now I grew up in a time when everyone knitted. I learnt at an early age, using sharpened meat skewers and an oddment of wool. I sat on a tiny stool at my mother feet and happily dropped stitches to my hearts content.
Wendy however knits socks and is quite a feisy lady when challenged by her readers who are heartily sick of her socks and want her to move on to something else. I agree with her wholeheartedly when she admonishes them. Then I am immediately jealous, because she has readers. Another huge asset to her blog is her wonderful cat Lucy and I am stuck again by how lucky she is. Her Lucy is immensely photograhic, while my Inky just looks like a dark grey blob in any of my attempts to catch her image and publish online. I once started a blog for her, but all she did was lie around and sleep.
There were of course several blogs like Joke of the Day and Treehugger that caught and held my eye. Another She Shops is also a good read for any woman. However there was one that actually broke my heart and made me realise how fortunate I am.
This one was Baghdad Burning which details life in war torn baghdad. If anyone thinks life for it's citizens in improving, please read this blog. Ever considered what you would take with you in just one suitcase? Read about one persons choice of keepsakes. (Warning some entries are anti-American)
All-in-all it was a good mornings read and I am no wiser as to what makes a good weblog. I like the immediacy of these accounts and I think I shall stop trying and just post my daily thoughts and activities. All I know is that I would rather read these amatuer blogs than any of the daily newspapers, that try to play catchup with the online news services. Not to mention the wastefulness of felling trees simply to make paper for outdated news.
I am off now to see if I can get a really good shot of Inky.

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